SOS (Summer of Service)

July 18 - July 20th

Check out the website: for more information and to register.

What is SOS?
SOS stands for Summer of Service, and is a collaborative effort to impact our community with the love of Jesus.  We do this through various kindness activities.
During the morning we will have worship, a training time and then have projects for teams to do each day for a few hours.  Then we will come back and hang out, share stories, play games, eat dinner.  During the evening we will have speakers and a time of praise and worship.  Then we will go home to sleep and return the next morning.
When:  Wednesday, July 18th at 9:30 AM - Friday, July 20th at 8:30 PM.
Where:  Northside Community Church
Cost:  $75

Go to the website to sign-up!
Questions?  Contact Paul at or 503-476-5073